Are You BYPASSING Your Whole Life?

breathwork embodiment empowerment somatic healing spiritual bypassing spirituality Jul 08, 2023
somatic healing

I created a small offering for You recently called 10 STEPS TO SOMATIC SELF HEALING

I hesitated with creating an offering that had TEN STEPS.

I know that for "sales" you want something catchy, something tangible, something QUICK and  EASY....

But here's the thing..... QUICK + EASY in terms of your self healing journey, your self knowing journey, your self evolution journey.... Note the word JOURNEY.

One of my greatest teachings from both somatic practices, such as  breathwork, and sitting in plant medicine ceremonies is that what I need to truly nourish and heal my wounded parts.... IS PRESENCE TO WHAT LIES WITHIN.... All I need all YOU need is already here within. The answers, the medicine
 that we need.... is here, and if we continue to seek the end result, the "fix" the "shiny thing" we are going to fast, we are looking too far ahead and outside, to see what is already here..... to see the teachings, to see the journey.

I share this from a really tender heart, as I have been reflecting these past few days on MY personal journey, and the ways in which I have and still catch myself rushing, reaching for the quick and easy way out or through..... through the heart break, out of the rut, into business success, out of conflict,  into an orgasm, into deeper education or skill set.... LITERALLY in anyway I think it might be possible to speed things up.... I've tried it.

Sure on occasion I might "get the thing, reach the goal" but the WISDOM of the experience hasn't landed, it hasn't integrated into my life... I didn't LEARN, I bypassed.....  YES.... I BYPASSED...


And it's really only been a few years of REALLY calling Myself on my shit... of holding myself accountable, of seeking support, facilitators and circles to also hold me in this.  

I don't want to bypass my life, and when we try and bypass the whole journey..... even though some of it feels SHITTY .... we are bypassing our life.... we miss the whole thing.

So now... as I near 40 years old... I am learning the beauty, the power, the medicine .... in SLOWING ALL THE WAY DOWN. 

In taking my time.... in being present... and in enjoying the journey of my life .... and my HEALING is a very large and very crucial piece of this

and so I offer you..... this

10 steps to your own somatic self healing...... You have all you need within

and i love you ( if you've not yet heard this stunning song... please listen)

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